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Monday, March 18, 2019

8 Key Points: How Intelligent Are You

Am I Intelligent?
Howard Gardner, a famous Harvard Psychologist define 8 types of intelligence:

#1. Verbal-linguistic
You may be good in language, such as writing, telling stories, reading, songs, essay, etc.

#2. Mathematical-logical: 
You have special inclination towards numbers, logics, and reasoning, categorization, etc.

#3. Musical-rhythmic- 
You have special talent in songs, rhyme, sound, and rhythm.

#4. Visual Spatial- 
You remember best using pictures and images.

#5. Bodily-kinesthetic
You are great in movement, and energetic

#6. Interpersonal
You interact well with others and are skillful in communication, be it verbal or non-verbal ones.

#7. Intrapersonal- 
You are good in reflecting and self-awareness, you spend time alone and is comfortable with this.

#8. Naturalist- 
You care deeply about nature, and love to be outdoor.

The implication for us is to understand that there are many dimensions to intelligence. Next time, if you can't figure out the math problem, or can't get the rhythm to the music, know that you may be good at something else. I always quote the example of one friend of mine who could Ace all the mathematics and physics subject easily, but got a solid C in the basic class in Psychology.

Also, it is important to know what is the intelligence of your kid, and build them in that direction. They will feel confident, and whatever they are good in naturally doing, they can perform so much better if they are trained in that area.

What are you SMART in?

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