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Monday, March 18, 2019

5 minutes cheatsheet on Six Sigma and DMAIC Green Belt (from an experienced Black Belt)

DMAIC or Six Sigma methodologies are what many in manufacturing industry have heard about. What exactly are these? Here I summarize a quick overview. As a trainer with several years experience, if I were to summarize a 8 days courses into few paragraphs, then it is the following:

What is Six Sigma and DMAIC, and what are the important tools at each phase? 

DMAIC is a problem solving methodology consisting of 5 key processes:

DMAIC Cycle 5 phases
DMAIC Cycle: 5 Phases

1. Define (D): 

This is where you get clarity about the problem and the expected results. In this phase, you understand your problem and customers' requirement, and project requirement, and define your problem statement well.

Tools: Problem Statement and Definition, Quantify the severity of problem, SIPOC, Voice of Customer, Stakeholder Analysis, Project charter, Project Benefits and Resources

2. Measure (M): 

This is where you identify the performance of the existing process. You "go to see" the process yourself, and map out the process flow clearly.

Tools: Process Mapping, Cause and Effect Matrix, Pareto Chart, Fishbone Diagram, Hypothesis Statements

3. Analyze (A): 

This is where you identify the levers that can be used to for performance improvement. You test the potential root causes in hypothesis, by collecting data and nullify your hypothesis. Here, statistics are commonly used to test the hypothesis.

Tools: Statistical Test (based on normality, continuous vs. attributive data)

4. Improve (I):

Find and verify a solution, ensuring the achievement of the improvement targets. Here you carry out improvement for those proven root causes in Phase Analyze. You pilot run at a small area to proof that your solution works.

Tools: Ease Impact Diagram, Creative Techniques

5. Control (C): 

Ensure that improvements are stable over time. You mass implement to the entire area that is applicable to harvest the maximum results. At this phase it is important to do proper documentation to ensure that your results and improvement is sustainable.

Tools: FMEA, Control Plan, other Documentation

DMAIC phases: tools that are used in each phase
DMAIC phases: tools that are used in each phase

If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact me at

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