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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Use your Personality Strengths to Achieve Success

Discover your 5 Personality Strengths to Achieve Success.
How to leverage on our Personality strength to achieve success?

First, let's look at the "Big Five Personality Traits" framework by Psychologist Robert McCrae and Paul Costa, and then how we can leverage for our benefits.

#1: Extroversion vs. Introversion 

People who are extroverted are "energized" and "recharged" in social situations, while the introverted will be "drained" by them, and will need some time-off to be alone for recharging.

Implication there is no good or bad for this one. Knowing yourself helps you to position yourself in terms of energy recharging and interaction style. You can watch a video by Susan Cain on "the power of introverts".

#2: Agreeableness
A person who is altruistic and affectionate is high in this trait, and in oppose, people who are low in this trait is contrary and cynical.

Implication: People who are high in Agreeableness may thrive better in cooperative setting, while if you are lower on the scale, then you may thrive in competitive environment. If you need to work in a cooperative environment, just be mindful on how you are carrying yourself.
Read more about "Machiavellian scale"

#3: Conscientiousness
The person high on this trait is organized, detail-focused, and goal oriented. You can work on this to increase this trait.

Implication: having this trait will help you to complete a task in a discipline manner. You can work on this for personal improvement.

One that is high on this scale are more emotionally instable- they get easily upset, and less able to sustain stress.

Implication: ability to control your emotion is always helpful regardless of what job, role, or position you are in. There is also study that correlate cardiovascular disease with high neuroticism.

#5: Openness 
Openness means the willingness to adventure, expose to new ideas, and find creative solution.

Implication: You may appear to be more traditional if you are low on this trait, and more difficult to grasp abstract ideas. Being open sometimes open doors to more opportunities, and different dimension of seeing things.

What is your personality combination like? Leave a comment below!

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  1. Creative ideas!
    I found that 2 can influence 4 and 5, or vise versa. Can they belong to one category?

    1. Yes, human personality is always dynamic and influenced by many factors.


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