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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Why being BUSY does not equal to being Productive?

Why Being Busy and Accomplishing Many Things Does not always equates to Being Productive?

Instead of being just PRODUCTIVE, aim to deliver VALUE

Does Productivity contradict with Value?

At 30 years old, one is at the mid-career and carry within sufficient experience yet still maintaining sufficient energy. Instead of being productive, is there any value, new ideas, or new solutions to share?

Some may advocate that Productivity and Value may not contradict each other. But in reality, productivity sometimes needs to be compromised in order to increase the value of work. Just like when writing a good article, in order to ensure that the content is valuable to others, often countless hours, energy, and resources are invested in doing research, writing, and proof-reading. When you slow down to think, you may even realize an alternative way of doing the things you have been doing, in a much simpler or productive way.

In Chris Reining's (a self made millionaire at 37) words:
Kevin Kelly was right when he said, “Productivity is for robots.” It’s naive to think the harder you work, the more hours you put in, the faster you climb. But the key to getting ahead is becoming valuable, and then showing that value.

Being aggressive, continuously striving or achieving, is not always better

As a result oriented person, or a high achiever, you may be tempted to be always on the move, so that you don't miss out any opportunity to deliver and grab the chance. However, by doing so the risk is to not give enough thoughts to our actions and strategies. When trying to give an answer and respond too promptly, we may miss to think through an issue thoroughly and from many angles.

Moving too much may resembles a lack of confidence

It may represent a lack of confidence, and executive presence, especially when you speak too fast or move too much. For example, some Presentation Skills workshop teaches to anchor your feet on the ground and stop moving around during presentation. While I do not think that for all cases one should not move at all during the presentation, but moving around, speaking too fast and fidgeting too much does not only distract the audience's attention, but could great enlarge your nervousness. Same principle goes in your career and daily life, speaking too fast in social situation display your nervousness and lack of confidence. You may need to pause and think before you speak or act, to ensure you deliver valuable inputs.

Acting too fast sometimes jeopardize team dynamics

Seeing other team members delaying the progress, a person who is quick in execution may have the natural tendency to jump in and help. Nevertheless, saying "no" or wait for a little more moment, may bring balance to team dynamics. Some team members who takes longer time may be left behind and miss on the opportunity to grow, if you are always stepping in to "help".

Note: Read from Chris Reining, a self made millionaire at 37, why not to be productive?
Instead of being just "productive", aim to deliver VALUE. Always allow yourself some thinking space, and not rush to action, speech or thoughts.

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